Tuesday, March 3, 2009


It's been a couple of weeks since I've blogged. One Exciting thing that happened over the past couple of weeks is that we took up the carpret and got the hardwoods refinished in the den. Chris even painted/put up the baseboards and quarter round, cleaned the entire room and moved the furniture back into the room before I came home from Greenville last weekend before last, what a great husband =)!

pre-refinish (we didnt get one with the carpet)

baseboards/quarter round

furniture in!
Satisfaction =)

Here is a glimpse of another eventful experience at the Richards' household....

That's right that is a REAL oppossum in MY garage!!!!!! Chris was gone on Saturday evening and I heard a lot of noise in the garage which scared me. I called Chris and he told me to quietly go the the door the the garage, lock it and then turn the light on (we have glass on our door into the garage so you can see into the garage). When I turned the light on that is what I saw----YUCK!!!! I ran to our bedroom and stayed in there scared until Chris came home =). He put up a trap in the garage with some meat but didnt catch the oppossum(he ate ALL the meat though). So I guess he'll return for MORE FOOD!!! Let's hope not. Chris did open the garage Sunday morning and the oppossum finally left. Now we try to keep the garage closed =). For the record I DID NOT take that picture!!! I was too terrified! Chris thought it was exciting to stand at the door to the garage to watch it and take pictures. Today is the first day I've been able to even look at the picture without my heart racing!! I'll never have the same thoughts as I enter our garage.
Well, it's off to bed. We are leaving for Houston, for my cousin's wedding this weekend, Thursday and return Monday. Hopefully when we return I will have some pictures and stories to tell =)!

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