Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Kid keeps me grounded

Me: Did you have a good christmas?
Kid: Yes, Santa brought me a bike, small truck and lots of other toys
Me: Wow! you must have been nice this year
Kid: Yeah, why did Santa bring you those dots?
Me: What dots?
Kid: Those dots on your face?
Me: What do you mean? Show me.
Kid: (points to the BIG red zit on my face and the moles/freckles on my face and neck)
Me: No, Santa didnt bring those to me. That's just how God made me.
Kid: Why dont you just cut it off (referring to the zit)
Me: I dont think that's a good idea. You'll learn when you get older.

haha! Kids at school sure do know how to make me feel good about myself huh?! My face will definitly get a good scrub before I hit the sack tonight =).

1 comment:

  1. Always, Always wash your face before you go to bed. LOL Zits, got to hate them. I had a child ask me today, "LADY, you got a dollar?" Why do you need a dollar? My dad would like for us to buy him a game at Gamestop." (YEAH, I BET HE WOULD!!) lol lORIE
